Training Calendar

During these difficult times, we know families are struggling trying to navigate unfamiliar territory. We want families to know that Nevada PEP is right there with you, and we are here to help. Nevada PEP Specialists are available to offer support, community resources, and help your family find solutions. We are also available for virtual IEP meetings, and child and family team meetings. Nevada PEP is hosting virtual support groups in both English and Spanish, and we are offering live webinars on disability related topics. Please review Our Calendar to register. We also offer On Demand Trainings you can use any time. We are just a phone call away, and we will continue to meet the needs of our families. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us any of the following ways: Go to our Contact Page | Call: 1-800-216-5188 | Email:

Training Descriptions

Are You Ready for “The Talk”? What Parents Need to Know (Sexuality) 

Puberty is often a confusing time for children with disabilities as they try to understand the changes their bodies go through and emotions they may be feeling. Learn how to teach your adolescent important skills, like understanding appropriate relationships, boundaries, social skills, and keeping up with hygiene. Feel more confident as you get ready to have “the talk”! 

Bullying Prevention – Everyone’s Responsibility: What Parents Can Do

Join us as we discuss the dynamics of bullying, including what bullying is, what types of bullying are, who is bullied, and why children are bullied. Other topics include steps to intervene in bullying behavior, how to encourage students who witness bullying to take action, the role of the school, and laws and policies. Don’t miss this valuable training to learn about the steps parents can take to stop bullying! 

Developing the IEP to Meet Your Child’s Needs

Join us as we discuss special education and the IEP meeting process, including how parents can partner and actively participate in the development of their child’s individualized education program. Learn the requirements of the IEP, how to include high expectations and how your child’s present levels of education performance drive the goals and services provided by the school.

Help Your Child to Focus on Learning  

Many children who struggle with paying attention have a tough time at home and school. If this is your child, this workshop Is for you. We will discuss the challenges that children may face when they struggle to keep focus and pay attention. The strategies presented in this workshop will amaze you and encourage you to try all of them!

IDEA 5 Part Training Series 

Part 1 – Evaluations & RTI   Learning about Evaluations, Assessment and the Response to Intervention Process
Evaluation and determining eligibility are key elements in special education. This workshop provides an understanding of the Response to Intervention process and other forms of evaluation. Participants will learn about the process that determines the need for special education and related services. 

Part 2 – IEP Clinic Workshop Keeping it Individualized to Meet the Child’s Unique Needs
Parents are key members of their child’s IEP team. This workshop includes an in-depth look at the Individualized Education Program (IEP), including how to use evaluations to write measurable goals, as well as strategies to help parents become more active participants in their child’s IEP meetings. 

Part 3 – Procedural Safeguards Creating Opportunities for Participation
It is important for parents to understand the differences between acts or statutes, rules or regulations, and policies or guidelines. The participants will discuss the rights parents have through procedural safeguards in IDEA which provide the groundwork for parent participation and decision making that is built into special education law; and become familiar with resolution meetings, mediation and the state complaint process. 

Part 4 – Behavior and Discipline in School Parents and Schools Working Together
Participants will learn the components of the discipline process under IDEA and gain strategies that can help children with their behavior. Understanding Positive Behavioral Supports, Nevada’s laws on Aversive Interventions, suspension and expulsion policies will give participants information on how to help children find success in school. 

Part 5 – Planning for Change: School to Adult Transition Transition for Students in High School and Beyond
Both parents and students will learn an overview of the transition requirements in the IEP, including strategies they can use for effective transition planning as the students move toward college, employment, and living independently. 

My Child is Struggling at School: What is My Next Step?

In this workshop we will discuss what to do if your child is struggling at school or if you suspect they may need special education. You will learn about how the school can provide additional support and interventions to help your child. We will also walk through the special education evaluation process from writing a formal request letter and giving parental consent to understanding the results of the evaluation.

Planning for Success After High School 

Transition planning is part of the IEP process and should be in place when students enter high school. Do they have a transition plan in their IEP? Parents and youth will learn how creating a Transition Plan in the IEP with goals, services and classes based on the student’s strengths and interests can lead to success after high school. Join us to discuss the variety of transition services available, the questions to ask and the importance of youth participation in the planning process.

Restorative Practices in School: What Parents Need to Know

Changes are coming to Nevada on how your child’s school will respond when children break the rules. In the past, progressive discipline was used, and children often were suspended. Nevada has passed laws in 2019 and in 2021, children will be given an opportunity to learn how their behavior affects others, accept responsibility, and take steps toward making things right. Join us as we learn about this shift to build relationships that will keep children in school and support student learning.

Solving the Employment Puzzle  

Parents and youth will be introduced to practical job development strategies and resources that assist and support youth with disabilities who are preparing for employment. 

Take Steps to Stop Bullying

If you are concerned about bullying, this workshop is for you! Join us as we discuss what bullying is, what to do if your child is being bullied, and what to expect after a report of bullying is made. This webinar will help participants understand Nevada laws about bullying and your child’s right to a safe learning environment. 

Working for Change – Using the Power of a Personal Story

Do you know how your personal story can influence and impact decision makers in your community? Using your personal story to educate and advocate can make such a difference when systems or services are going to be changed or eliminated. Don’t miss this training full of strategies to identify the people who make decisions that affect individuals with disabilities. Learn how to deliver your personal story that catches the attention and motivates others to action! 

Behavior & Discipline in Schools 

Does behavior and school discipline interfere with your child’s learning? Join us to learn how the IEP can address a student’s behavior and reduce the need for discipline. Knowing about positive behavioral supports, aversive interventions, suspension, and expulsion policies will give parents tools to partner with schools to help children reach success.

Coffee, Tea and IEP

Don’t miss this small group learning opportunity for families! This guided interactive discussion will explore the special education process and encourage meaningful participation in IEP meetings.You’ll leave with new ideas that encourage high expectations that lead to success for students with disabilities.  RSVP required. 

Considering College- What you Need to Know

Do you have a disability and want to go to college but don’t know where to start or about available college programs? In this webinar we break down what students and parents need to know including choosing a school, understanding disability services, paying for college, and preparing for success.

Getting the First Job 

Are you ready to find your first job and concerned about how your disability might impact finding work that you like? Join us in this workshop where parents and youth can learn tips for marketing themselves to employers, including writing a resume, preparing for an interview, and requesting job accommodations.

How is My Child Reading?

Do you worry about your child’s reading? This workshop will give you a better understanding of how children learn to read. You will learn the type of questions to ask your child’s teacher and how to partner with the school on reading improvement. Do not miss this workshop to learn about the strategies that help children become good readers!

Making the Most of Early Intervention Services

Are you concerned about your baby meeting their developmental milestones? This workshop for parents of children under age three will discuss what parents can do if they have concerns about their child’s development and how parents can collaborate with Early Intervention providers to help their baby grow, learn, and succeed.

Options to Resolve Special Education Concerns

Do you know that parents have rights in the IDEA law? Don’t miss this class to learn the different options that parents can take when they and the school are not in agreement about their child’s education or services. You will leave this class with a better understanding of how to request and participate in facilitated IEP’s, mediation, due process, and complaints.

Positive Supports for Challenging Behavior

Do you need new ideas to support your child’s behavior? This webinar will help parents understand how their child behavior is often their way to communicate. Learn evidence-based practices to teach your child positive behavior skills that can lead to higher self-esteem, better school performance, greater motivation, and more success in life.

Say Goodbye to Your Child’s Challenging Behavior

Challenging behaviors can leave many parents and teachers feeling frustrated and ineffective. Positive Behavioral Interventions (PBI) is a proactive approach that can assist children achieve social, emotional, and academic success. This workshop will introduce you to powerful tools that will have you saying goodbye to challenging behavior. 

Six Advocacy Tips that Turn No’s into Yes’s! 

Parents, your voice matters! Are you tired of being told “No” when trying to get help for your child? You are the expert on your child, and you understand your child’s needs and strengths best. We will discuss the parents’ role in communication, advocacy, and effective partnership with the professionals that support their children. Learn how to get the needed supports and services with these six amazing advocacy strategies!

Support Groups

Family Support Groups meet every Wednesday in both English and Spanish. Parents get together and support each other and learn new information. Please review the calendar for times and registration.

Understanding Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects students with disabilities including mental health challenges from discrimination and exclusion. Join us to learn how this law applies to students, what a 504 Plan is, how it is different from an IEP, and how accommodations can help your child succeed.

En Español

 Ayude a su Hijo/a a Enfocarse en el Aprendizaje

Muchos niños que tienen dificultades para prestar atención tienen dificultades en el hogar y en la escuela. Si esto suena como su situación, este taller es para usted. Hablaremos de los desafíos que los niños pueden enfrentar cuando se les dificulta mantenerse enfocados y prestar atención. Las estrategias presentadas en este taller lo sorprenderán y lo alentarán a probar todas!

Grupo de Apoyo en Español – Las Vegas 

Las Vegas grupo de apoyo español se reúne el último miércoles de cada mes, por favor revise el calendario de capacitación para los tiempos. Los padres se reúnen y se apoyan mutuamente y aprender nueva información. 

Café, Té y IEP  

¡No te pierdas un nuevo grupo pequeño aprendizaje oportunidad para familias! Este debate interactivo guiado exploraremos el proceso de educación especial y fomentar una participación significativa en IEPs. Lo dejo con nuevas ideas que fomentan altas expectativas que conducen al éxito para estudiantes con discapacidades. Confirme su asistencia requerida. 

Tomar Medidas para Detener el Acoso

Si le preocupa el tema de bullying, este taller es para usted! Únase a nosotros para conversar sobre que es el acoso. Qué hacer si su hijo/a está siendo acosado y qué esperar después de que se realiza un informe de acoso. Este entrenamiento le ayudará a los participantes a comprender las leyes de Nevada sobre el acoso escolar y sus derechos para que su hijo/a tenga un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro.

Entrenamiento del IEP 

Nevada PEP ofrece un entrenamiento acerca del programa de educación individualizado (IEP por sus siglas en inglés). Esta clase incluye una breve explicación acerca del IEP y una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Por favor traiga el IEP de su hijo/a para que pueda revirsarlo durante la clase! 

Desarrollo del Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP por sus siglas en inglés) para Satisfacer las Necesidades de su Hijo/a

Únase a nosotros para conversar sobre la educación especial y los pasos a seguir en las reuniones de IEP, incluyendo la manera en que los padres pueden colaborar con el equipo y participar activamente en el desarrollo del programa de educación especial. Aprenda los requisitos del IEP, cómo mantener altas expectativas de su hijo, y como las metas y servicios proporcionados por la escuela son desarrollados en base a los niveles actuales de rendimiento academico.

¡Seis Consejos de Abogacía que Gira de un No a un Sí!  

¿Está cansado de que le digan “No”? Usted es el experto en su hijo y usted sabe las necesidades de su hijo y usted sabe las necesidades de su hijo. Aprenda cómo conseguirlo con estas seis estrategias de abogacía increíbles! 


  • Please contact Nevada PEP if you require additional accommodations to participate in any of our scheduled events.

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